
详情: 15876091220 黄小姐·商务QQ:3274453293·
广东中山福莱特涂料公司专业生产销售: |黄小姐15876091220| QQ:3274453293天然真石漆|水包水多彩漆|岩片漆|质感漆|水性氟碳漆防水涂料|隔热涂料|弹性拉毛漆|水性金属漆

 1、材料组成:天然岩石漆是由丙烯酸聚合物乳胶、天然岩石粉及其它 水性助剂组成。
1, material: natural rock paint is composed of acrylic polymer emulsion, water-based natural rock powder and other additives.
2, finishing varnish: consists of senior weatherability acrylic resin and various solvents.
3, scope of application: rock paint, culture stone and rough surface such as anti fouling for high surface finish.
4, spreading rate: will be subject to spray it again, the spray of about 10 square meters per kilogram.
5, construction tool: spray gun.
 6、 质量检验标准:(W型)
6, quality inspection standards: (W)

发布时间:2017-08-01 11:04:31
联系电话:15876091220 黄小姐