Agilent DS19 安捷伦真空泵油

Agilent DS19 安捷伦真空泵油

真空泵油的主要作用:在导热油泵使用的过程中,由于真空泵油直接进入泵体内腔,在真空泵运行时, 随着气体压强的逐渐降低,泵温的逐渐升高。油品中饱和蒸汽压高的分子组分 就能蒸发到真空的空间,即影响真空泵极限压强的达到,又可向真空系统返流 扩散,污染真空系统,并直接影响极限真空的获得。

Agilent DS19 安捷伦真空泵油 Agilent GP真空泵油 Agilent DS19 安捷伦真空泵油应用所有安捷伦旋片真空泵
Agilent  DS19 安捷伦真空泵油 

Agilent Varian GP General Purpose DS19 Mechanical Pump Oil, 1 Liter 9499390 


Agilent Varian GP DS19 General Purpose Mechanical Pump Oil Agilent  DS19 安捷伦真空泵油(sold here by the 1 liter bottles 9499390). Varian GP Oil has been replaced with Agilent DS19 oil, Varian is now Agilent Technologies. It is quality mechanical vacuum pump oil for the ultimate performance of your Varian Agilent Rotary Vane pumps. Varian GP Oil is specially prepared by Varian to meet the Rotary Vane exclusive specifications. We recommend that you change your vacuum pump oil at least every 3 months to prolong the life of your vacuum pump. 


Agilent  DS19 安捷伦真空泵油 Designed for Varian Agilent Rotary Vane Pumps: 


Agilent  DS19 安捷伦真空泵油应用于安捷伦旋片真空泵Rotary Vane Drive Models:
DS42, DS102, DS202, DS302, DS402, DS602, DS1002, DS1602, SD40, SD90, SD91, SD200, SD201, SD300, SD301, SD450, SD451, SD700, SD1400, SD2500, HS452 & HS652 Vacuum Pumps. 


Agilent  DS19 安捷伦真空泵油包装为1L/瓶 、1加仑/瓶 

发布时间:2018-02-27 15:34:58
联系电话:13691820205 邱先生